Euro 2024

  • Design for Screen,

Presenting presentations in a modern, responsive and client-led way

A digital way to present

UEFA entice potential corporate partners in the traditional way — through static, flat, bulky PowerPoint presentations. I worked with them to develop a new digital platform for Euro 2024 that changed the way these presentations are shared.

Switching the approach of information sharing to be client-first — considering that much of the time key decision-makers are on the move and using data on mobile devices — a digital platform was developed that put responsive, dynamic and easily updated content in a templated, on-brand format.


Creative Director



Client presentation categories are organised and accessible through bespoke links, with the whole library only viewable internally to UEFA

Infographics are crucial to the corporate sell, and are live and dynamic through custom inputs in the CMS


    • Chrish Dunne
    • Developer
    • Jon Fu
    • Designer